Friday, August 12, 2016


We are all planted as seeds in God's garden of life,
to bloom and to grow, whether in joy or in strife.

Our seeds are not planted to grow without Hope,
for God sends all we need to help us to cope.

He plants other flowers and trees there beside us,
to give us the courage, and to nourish and guide us.

So when storms bring their hail and strong winds come and go,
we'll  keep growing deeper inside, for we know...

That whenever we feel like we're falling down on our faces,
God sends His pure love and stands us back in our places.

Standing firm we grow stronger, and soon it's our turn,
to help all the new buds to blossom and learn.

We share all the wonders of  God's love and His ways,
and we stand strong in our faith, till the end of our days.

As we bloom where we're planted, we'll someday be found,
in the garden of Heaven where God's Grace does abound.

I wrote this in February, 1995.  My husband had been diagnosed with cancer. My faith was in crisis, not knowing what the outcome would be.  Many followers of the faith were planted alongside me and their prayers and love kept my faith stem upright and kept me from falling over.  I am blessed to have grown beside those whose faith prayers helped me to stand strong.


  1. Beautiful and true. A good reminder to bloom where we're planted, in all seasons. Thanks for sharing!

  2. This is very, very good!! I printed it out to have it on hand.
